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세아메카닉스 로고 세아메카닉스 로고

세아메카닉스 로고

It is growing into a GLOBAL TOP TIER company based on instrument mechanism design, design, production, and Turn Key Solution, and develops and produces the highest quality automobile, electronic, and robot parts with Seah's technology and passion.
We welcome you to visit the Sea'Mechanics website.
Based on aluminum die-casting manufacturing technology, Seamecanix is working in EV modules and advanced IT devices
We have developed our expertise. With over 20 years of accumulated engineering design and manufacturing technology,
We are growing into a global top company and continuing constant innovation.
Sea'Mechanics Challenges Future Possibilities that No One Has Tried Through Technological Innovation Create new value, pioneer new businesses, and lead the global market
We're establishing ourselves as a social responsibility based on fair competition and law-abiding management
We are committed to creating a better tomorrow through ESG management and sustainable growth.
We will take the lead in global issues such as climate change, eco-friendliness, and safety and health, and build a sustainable ecosystem that grows with customers and partners.
Sea'Mechanics is a company that has the power to connect crisis to opportunity, opportunity to future, constant innovation
We will change the world with a spirit of challenge and open a future where everyone is together.
Thank you.
Sea'Mechanics CEO